Krushnaa Patil
Mountaineering, Entrepreneur, Leadership, Resilience, Diversity

At the age of 19, Krushnaa Patil became the youngest Indian mountaineer to scale Mt. Everest. By the time she was 20 she was the youngest Indian and first Indian Woman to climb the highest peaks in Europe, Antarctica & South America. She then climbed the highest peaks in Africa and Australia. Krushnaa is an UNCTAD Ambassador and a sought after speaker who continues to scale new peaks from her home in Kashmir, where she has turned entrepreneur, running a very popular Cafe.
Her insights and learnings from the unforgiving sport of Mountaineering, lucidly and engagingly imparted, are particularly useful to Leaders and Teams in today's difficult business environment. She describes herself, her work and the message she spreads, with the following words: entrepreneurial, sustainability goals, environmental conscious business practice, team work, goal orientation, impossible dreams, body positivity, first time women!